“From the Toilet to the Tap”

If the title alone didn’t cure you of the urge to finish off those Christmas-feast leftovers, read the full article. 🙂

Cloacina was the ancient Roman goddess of sewers. Think about that for a minute. To the Romans, the ability to take vile, disgusting wastewater and just get it the heck out of Rome was such a miraculous feat that they created a whole deity to watch over and protect the pipeline.

Now, how much more impressive would Cloacina have been if she could turn the sludge into usable water again? […]


  1. Looks like you recycled the sludge, though that’s appropriate considering the article. You said “shower” twice, so I’m tap-ping you on the shoulder about it… It’s OK, I’m tile-d of the thread anyway…

  2. Shower and shower curtain — same word, different items. Don’t think you can brush me off so(ap) easily.

  3. Don’t bet the farm on it, aloe still be going when the sun’s razor extinguished.

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