“E-Mail After the Rapture”

I’ve always liked Bruce Schneier, a very well-known security professional. Earlier this month, he tackled the thorny question of how You’ve Been Left Behind, a post-Rapture service for those who believe in that Christian concept, secures the information that you give them to ensure that it won’t be stolen or prematurely released.

If you’re not a believer, some of the comments below his article are rolling-in-the-aisles funny. (There’s one that mentions a parody site that’s quite humorous.) If you are a believer, I’d suggest simply reading the article itself.


  1. Even if you do believe in this, why would you entrust your bank account numbers and other personal information they suggest putting in delayed emails to five people you don’t know?

  2. Because they’re Christians! They would never do anything unethical with your information!

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